• "A natural leader and gifted speaker, Eileen has a compelling presence on and off the stage. Sharing her powerful stories from the patient point of view, she gives unique and invaluable insights from her incredibly challenging health journey."

    Dr. Pat L., Vice President and Chief Student Affairs Officer Emerita, University of Virginia

  • "The journey forced upon Eileen would have taken most people down a far darker path. But she fought hard, learned so much along the way and, now, generously and powerfully shares her experiences and sage advice center stage."

    Ginger W., Financial Services, Creative Financial Group

  • "Eileen has a highly strategic mind and excels at both seeing the big picture goal and carefully planning how to get there. I have watched her tackle challenges, and she has repeatedly made it through with new wisdom, increased determination, and reinforced strength. I cannot think of a better way for the world to benefit from Eileen's wisdom than in the arena of health care advocacy."

    Sarah K., Academic Coach, Rutgers University

  • "Eileen is powerfully inspirational … and she is also what we in the business of making movies call “a very good time!” Her intellectual acumen is matched by extraordinary emotional intelligence — and both are balanced by her empathetic wit. There is so much strength to be had in hearing of a hard journey taken; Eileen is doing the good work of making the road more manageable for the rest of us."

    Julie L., Founder and Producer, Mockingbird Pictures

  • "Eileen is a natural leader and inspirational speaker whose inherent brilliance is complemented by Herculean courage, an infinite warmth of heart, and a fierce and compassionate determination to help others. Listening to her talk about her personal journey through and recovery from years of chronic, debilitating pain changed my life. I reoriented my own relationship to my mind, body, and disability and started down a path to greater ease and wellness than I ever thought possible. Eileen is a true partner and healer whose genuine love and concern for others is palpable in every word she says and whose personal grit and courage are infinitely inspiring and empowering."

    Dr. Lisa R., Faculty, Harvard Westlake

  • "Eileen is a caring listener, a strong and competent leader, and a passionate advocate.  She brings insight, compassion and determination to everything she does."

    Jana M., Paralegal, Maryland Legal Aid

  • "When Eileen takes the microphone and looks me in the eye, her words connect to my soul. She motivates me to listen to my own voice, driving me to act on the intentions I have been mulling but stifling. Her power is one of connection and truth."

    Sherry D., Co-Founder, OutcomesInsights