As one of the richest countries in the world, we can and we must take better care of people when they are most vulnerable.

There are few things that can make someone feel more helpless than the uncertainty and fear of a potential health issue. And once a diagnosis is confirmed, that person becomes a patient, a role no one ever prepares for, a role that changes everything. . .Forever.

Many healthcare providers rise to the occasion - and then some. Often times, they do so against all odds including the Covid pandemic and an insurance industry that is fundamentally flawed.

Other times, healthcare providers - even well meaning ones - fail. Sometimes epically. While some failures are unavoidable, others can and must be avoided at all costs. It’s one thing to be a victim of health issues and another to be victimized again by the system that is supposed to help.

At PX Empower, we use patient stories to empower providers to be the best versions of themselves and equip patients to advocate for the highest quality care.

About PX Empower

At PX Empower, we use the power of patient stories to illustrate what’s working well in patient care and highlight where changes are needed most.

Founder, Eileen Filliben Edmunds, JD, MBA, is a passionate advocate for improving the patient experience. While enduring several serious health issues, Eileen saw the very best and the very worst healthcare has to offer:

“The care I received ranged from angelic to unconscionable. . .And everything in between. Our healthcare system is broken. Patients and providers deserve better.”

Through PX Empower, Eileen shares the many lessons she’s learned on her journey, giving tools to both patients and providers to enhance the patient experience.

Get started with PX Empower today!